The Day I Forgot I Had Cancer

My husband is pretty darn awesome. For my upcoming birthday, he gave me a recording session in a music studio, as he knows I love to write and sing music. A long time ago (like before kids, a husband, responsibility, a house, a dog, etc.), I actually pursued a career in music and made a demo tape called “Train of Thought”, which was recorded in Austin, Texas. (You’ll notice a Lubbock address on the tape, which was where I was attending graduate school at the time.) And to give you a real sense of how long ago that was…


For those of you born after 1987, you might not even know what this rectangular contraption is. But I assure you the cassette tape had it going on in its day. And apparently so did high waisted jeans and a sullen look on a train track.

After recording the demo, I eventually realized a life on the road would not be conducive to having a family, and that is what I wanted the most in life. So I gave up the dream of being a singer and opted for being a wife and mom instead. I figured each job was equally as glamorous anyway. Can I get an amen, moms? Moms?

Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago when I decided I’d love to take advantage of my gift before my surgery, so that I would have something to listen to leading up to the dreaded event.  Ruminating on God’s truths in scripture and in song is what gets me through each day, so when the Lord had placed it on my heart to record a hymn, that is exactly what I set out to do. I enlisted the help of my talented friend, Cary Pierce, who just so happens to be the “pierce” part of the band Jackopierce. And for all of you who graduated from high school in the late eighties and early nineties and live in the Dallas area, you need no explanation for how HIGH Jackopierce rates on the cool-o-meter. I mean, not just anyone can wear shoes like this and get away with it.



Not only did Cary hook me up to record in an ultra swanky recording studio, but he actually sang along on my track as well. Let that sink in for a minute. I got to sing with CARY PIERCE for my birthday. WHAT?! I like to think that makes me Jamieopierce – at least for a day. Cary’s voice is so unbelievably unique, and just the sound of it can make me feel like I’m 21 years old again in 2 seconds flat.

On the day we recorded, Cary and I met at the studio (do you like how I just threw that out there so casually?) and I began to watch the most beautiful process unfold. First, we had to find the right pitch. Next, the right tempo. After that came laying tracks of guitar and other instruments. Then came vocals. Cary and the producer, Aaron, were so gifted at starting from nothing and creating something amazing in just a few hours. Just like our kids do when they have school projects…oh wait.

By the end of the day, my cheeks hurt so badly from smiling the most obnoxious smile ALL DAY LONG. I had the most fun I’ve had in a long time doing what I absolutely love to do. And the best part of all? I forgot for an entire day that I had cancer. Literally.  The thing that has consumed my every thought since April 13th completely disappeared for hours. Hours. So to Trevor, I say thank you for the most amazing gift of all. And to Cary, when can I borrow those shoes?!!!




Until next time…much love to you all & make every day count. I know this one did for me.

Click here to download our duet, How Great Thou Art.


PS: For all of those husbands who suddenly feel the need to ramp it up in the gift department, Jackopierce has an amazing Destination Show on Martha’s Vineyard July 29th and tickets are still available. They also have a family friendly Christmas show December 2nd in Dallas!! (High waisted jeans not recommended).

33 thoughts on “The Day I Forgot I Had Cancer

  1. Love, love, love this. I’ve got it playing on repeat while I work. So incredibly talented. I bet your boys loved having you singing around the house and in the car.

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  2. Wow, Jamie! That’s beautiful! And – I LOVE Jackopierce! You’ll have to have them play at your party when you recover from surgery and are back in action. Prayers for a successfully surgery and healing – love to all! xoxo Anne

    Liked by 1 person

  3. OMG….I had no idea you could sing!!!!
    LOVE that recording! What a blessing and my what talent. Thank you for sharing. My God, how great He is and if you need further proof, wait until Tuesday ❤️😊 Happy, early birthday sweet songbird! I love you !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You. Are. Amazing!!!
    Until today, I had a suspicion something was wrong…but didn’t have the courage to ask.
    Jaime, I’m so inspired by your bravery and faith!
    I’ve long admired your artistic talent in photography, but this…wow…you have the voice of an angel! The waterworks immediately flowed as you began singing. (Yes, I’m a dude, and yes I admit to crying…but happy and grateful tears.)
    My family will begin praying for you today…and will continue until God answers our prayers.
    Caleb & Isaac (12, 10) are prayer warriors and I know God adores earnest prayers from children.
    I love you and cherish your friendship.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Holy Moly Jamie….you are a rockstar!!!! 🎼🎧🎤💃Add that to your many titles and hats you wear!! And given God ALL the glory. Love it sweet friend!!!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jamie… Gorgeous! Beautiful, I am in awe! I had not heard of your battle and will include you in my prayers. Now, I want to hear some of that demo tape! “… and now abideth faith, love and hope”! Hoping for many blessings to rain down upon you sweet friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Jamie, this is absolutely amazing!! One of my favorite songs and with you singing it makes it even more special!! Thank you sooooooo much for sharing!! What an amazing talent you have!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jamie–just had the ugliest cry listening to your beautiful voice…happens to be my all time favorite hymn! I love you & praying constantly for you! You are amazing my friend, once Aggie roomie & Theta sister…❤️!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That was so beautiful.I had no idea you could sing nor did I know you had cancer.I haven’t seen you since elementary.You were my best friend in Kindergarten! I love your positive approach and your strong faith. God will see you through.Through this journey you will be able to minister to others.I will pray for you and ask God to continue to work in you and through you.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Um… raising my hand!!!✋🏻
    I could have guess high waisted jeans but NEVER giving up your desire of going on the road with a guitar and a dream. Girl, I kept scrolling down to read when you were telling us you were punking us. I am so loving this though! Even if I feel I don’t know you now… beautiful voice, beautiful story. HIS STORY slowly being revealed. Love all this. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Jamie,
    Chills and tears. My all time favorite hymn. We are praying for you and your upcoming surgery. God is bigger than all we can dream or imagine. He’s got this.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love, love, love this! My mom’s most favorite song. What a wonderful early birthday gift! Prayers for your upcoming surgery to get all that evilness out of your body! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I want to be you when I grow up! This is GORGEOUS! So glad you shared it with your people and had such a magical day recording with Cary Pierce. xoxo, Mollie Walker

    Liked by 1 person

  14. ​Jamie–What an absolute thrill and joy it was to listen to you sing! It absolutely made my day! I want to listen to this over and over and I plan to do just that! My prayers are with you and your sweet family as you face this battle. You are surrounded with prayer and love, sweet girl, as you make this journey. You are not alone!​

    On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 10:07 AM, The Breast Case Scenario wrote:

    > Jamie Kraus posted: “My husband is pretty darn awesome. For my upcoming > birthday, he gave me a recording session in a music studio, as he knows I > love to write and sing music. A long time ago (like before kids, a husband, > responsibility, a house, a dog, etc.), I actually purs” >

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Jamie- do you have more hidden talents we do not know about????? I did not know sang… beautifully! I have loved listening to it and praying for you as I listened to one of my favorites. Happy early birthday! Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Jamie, I can still see you in the Theta house singing surrounded by your sisters. What a gift you have & what a blessing this song is to all who are touched by it & your story. Praying for you & your family.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Jamie, this is beautiful!!!! I go through phases when it comes to checking Facebook and have totally missed this battle you are enduring. I am so sorry that I didn’t know before now. I assure you that I will add you and your family to my prayers each day.
    I am so glad I didn’t miss this post. Hearing you sing this song made my day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Hey ” little Jamie ” Sis and I still have that tape from years ago. You were Awesome then and you still are! Our love and prayers are with you always.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Jamie – WOW – I am bawling listening to this. I had forgotten how beautiful & amazing your voice is. What a wonderful gift Trevor gave you. I have been thinking of you and will be praying for you as you tackle this battle. Lots of love from Colorado – Linda Dudley

    Liked by 1 person

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